2015 Annual Conference agenda

Posted by  AAUP Oregon   in  ,      Apr 19, 2015     3339 Views     Comments Off on 2015 Annual Conference agenda  




AAUP-Oregon Annual Conference

 Saturday, April 25, 2015

Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art,

University of Oregon


Building an Oregon Movement for

Educator-Led, Student-Centered, Debt-Free Higher Education

Register NOW!

(Registration and lunch are free; it takes less than a minute,

but we need to know you are coming!)

A new Oregon state chapter (“State Conference”) of the American Association of University Professors was started in 2013, largely the initiative of the AAUP collective bargaining chapters at Portland State University (PSU-AAUP) and the University of Oregon (United Academics), and the AAUP chapter at Oregon State University.

AAUP-Oregon is a member-driven initiative—by faculty and academic professionals, for students, faculty, and academic professionals—to give us voice in the direction of higher education in our state.

The Annual Conference is a gathering with our members, and our allies, from across the state, to develop a common vision, strategy, skills, connections, and goals for the year ahead.


9:00 am: Registration and Breakfast

 9:30-10:30   Opening Plenary

  • Introduction, our vision, what we have built so far at AAUP-Oregon: José Padin, President, AAUP-Oregon
  • Chapter Reports: PSU-AAUP, United Academics-UO, OSU-AAUP

 10:35-11:45  Building Power: the Essentials for Our Movement

What does it take to build a movement of faculty in Oregon? How do we organize ourselves to reach our goals? What are best practices that can inform our work?

Lead Facilitator: Dawn Tefft, AAUP, Pacific NW Region Lead Organizer

Co-Facilitators: Kevin Dugan (AAUP-OR organizer), David Cecil (United Academics ED), Michelle Zellers (PSU-AAUP Organizer)

 12-12:45 Lunch & Talk:  “Getting Ready to Succeed Against the ‘Right to Work’ Attack”

Dawn Tefft, AAUP Pacific Northwest Regional Organizer

12:50-2:15    Strategy Sessions (concurrent)

Session 1: Collective Bargaining Strategy: Coordinating Campaigns and Organizing to Win the Next Round

Session 2: “Advocacy” or Issue Organizing: Organizing for Faculty Goals Beyond and Outside a Collective Bargaining Agreement

Session 3:  Getting to Accountability and Transparency from our Boards of Trustees and Administrations: A Multi-Pronged Organizing Strategy to Strengthen Shared Governance and Academic Priorities

2:20-3:15  Closing Plenary:  Towards AAUP-Oregon Goals and Strategy for 2014-15

  •  Strategy session groups report back
  • We discuss
  • Agreement on priorities for 2014-15

 3:15-3:30       Presentation of Outgoing and Incoming AAUP-OR Officers



The Oregon State Conference of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP Oregon) is the state-level organization of the AAUP. The Conference’s mission is to advance the collective interests of affiliated AAUP Collective Bargaining and Advocacy chapters, the principles and practices of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), and the overall interests of higher education faculty in Oregon through the promotion of excellence in higher education as an investment in Oregon’s future.