AAUP Oregon Seeks Nominations for Statewide Leadership

Posted by  Victor Reyes   in       Jan 22, 2021     2275 Views     Comments Off on AAUP Oregon Seeks Nominations for Statewide Leadership  

 Join the AAUP Oregon Executive Committee for an opportunity to work with AAUP members across the state to effect positive change in support of higher education and higher education workers. We are seeking nominations for the following positions of the AAUP Oregon Executive Committee

  • President
  • Vice President for Academic Freedom & Governance
  • Secretary
  • Advocate for Academic Professionals
  • Advocacy Chapter Representative

If you have questions about joining the AAUP Oregon Executive Committee or would like to nominate yourself or another AAUP Oregon member for any of the above positions, please contact matt@aaup-oregon.org no later than Monday, February 15.

Nominations will be shared with the full Nominations Committee to confirm eligibility for office. All eligible nominees will be asked to submit a short statement for the ballot. Elections for the position will be conducted online. The term of office is two years, beginning on August 1, 2021.

In Solidarity,

AAUP-Oregon Nominations Committee
Michael Dreiling
Pedro Garcia Caro
Karen Kennedy
