
Make corporations pay more!

  Dec 14, 2015     2235 Views     Comments Off on Make corporations pay more!  

AAUP-OR supports A Better Oregon by Margaret Butler, Executive Director A Better Oregon is the campaign to end chronic underfunding of education, healthcare and senior services through a modest increase in the minimum tax for large corporations.  The AAUP-Oregon Executive Committee made the decision to support the initiative petition because our members are tired of the continued crisis in state funding.  If we make the pie bigger, we can increase funding for higher education. Many groups have been in conversation for a long time about the need for reinvestment in education and social services, and after testing many possible ideas…

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AAUP-Oregon News November 2015

  Nov 24, 2015     6315 Views     Comments Off on AAUP-Oregon News November 2015  

President's Column by José Padin What's Going On by Margaret Butler In the News Chapter Updates: United Academics at University of Oregon Portland State University-AAUP Oregon State University       An Instrument of Privilege or Opportunity?      by José Padín, President, AAUP-Oregon A movement of university students of color and allies is spreading its lightning across the land. #blacklivesmatter is certainly guiding force motivating this movement, and this is so because at our universities black lives do not matter — not equally, not outside the slick marketing of universities. A Million-Student March has summoned demonstrations on campuses across…

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