
Let’s Vote!

  Oct 21, 2020     1364 Views     Comments Off on Let’s Vote!  

Greetings Friends and Members of AAUP Oregon, We are in the final stretch of a crucial election. We are painfully aware of the stakes at the federal level but we must also act strategically at the state level. We ask that you please pay close attention to the state legislative races, ballot measures, and if possible, make a contribution to one of the key endorsements listed below. The next Oregon Legislature will be tasked not only with enacting sound policy but also with balancing a multi-billion dollar budget deficit. We need to elect legislators we can count on to support…

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Welcome to Fall 2020

  Oct 9, 2020     1178 Views     Comments Off on Welcome to Fall 2020  

Welcome AAUP-Oregon members to the 2020-2021 academic year. Truly welcome. In this upcoming year we will need each other and need to support each other like never before as we mourn together, struggle together, and work together. But that is what we are here for.If nothing else, the pandemic has taught us that we are all connected and that our lives and our futures deeply depend on each other. That has always been the deep message of both the AAUP and the union movement, a message that continues to speak across the modern era. In Oregon over the last few months we have witnessed…

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