
Take Action to Support Part-Time Faculty Health Care

  Feb 25, 2020     1632 Views     Comments Off on Take Action to Support Part-Time Faculty Health Care  

Please take a moment to urge legislators to pass HB 4146, the Part-Time Faculty Health Care Bill. HB 4146 will provide affordable health care to part-time faculty who teach more than half-time when their hours are pooled across Oregon's public universities and community colleges. After years of trying to close the health insurance gap for these faculty, our coalition believes we can pass this important legislation this session. We need the Ways & Means Committee of the Oregon Legislature to support our bill (and Republicans to return to the Capitol to do their job) in order to make that happen! Support passage…

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UAUO is Bargaining For Both Faculty and the Common Good

  Jan 28, 2020     2275 Views     Comments Off on UAUO is Bargaining For Both Faculty and the Common Good  

The Daily Emerald's January 17, 2020 article UO faculty union to focus on untenured professors, work conditions as bargaining begins briefly outlines some of the necessary proposals UAUO is putting forth in contract negotiations this year.  As UAUO enters their third full contract negotiation, they are focusing on making strides for faculty in terms of job stability, child care, and parental leave. They are also focusing on student support, including through a proposal that would "tax" the Duck Athletic Fund to  support housing for students on PathwayOregon scholarships. Read up on the full text of all UAUO proposals (so far!) and…

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