
Support Faculty at Linfield College

  Apr 10, 2019     2160 Views     Comments Off on Support Faculty at Linfield College  

Linfield's new President, Miles Davis, has indicated the intention to terminate 20-25 faculty positions to reduce Linfield's anticipated budget deficit. These cuts appear to be moving forward without a clear demonstration of their necessity or adherence to established shared governance procedures at Linfield. Specifically, the administration has failed to declare financial exigency to justify the termination of faculty positions without cause. These terminations would violate both the Linfield College Faculty Handbook and AAUP principles. Our request is simple: sign this petition drafted in support of Linfield faculty, share with colleagues, and share widely in your larger faculty networks. It is our…

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Threats to Faculty Positions (and Tenure) at Linfield College

  Apr 10, 2019     4788 Views     Comments Off on Threats to Faculty Positions (and Tenure) at Linfield College  

by Sharon Bailey Glasco, President Linfield AAUP, and Amy J. Orr, Vice President, Linfield AAUP On Saturday, December 8, 2018, faculty members at Linfield College received an email message from the chair of our Faculty Executive Council (FEC). It summarized a discussion that took place the previous day between three members of the FEC, the dean of faculty, the president, the provost, the VP of finance and administration, and college legal counsel. The key points of the message were as follows: As of December, we have a remaining projected budget deficit of approximately $3 million for 2019-2020. To help to…

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