
President’s Column: Winter Welcome

  Apr 10, 2019     1288 Views     Comments Off on President’s Column: Winter Welcome  

by Michael Dreiling, President, AAUP-Oregon Dear AAUP members across Oregon: I hope your academic term is off to a fine start. As you know, a full legislative session has begun in Salem. A lot is on the table, and we hope you will watch our updates in the coming months. Big ticket items will involve desperately needed revenue reform for our state. Governor Brown recognizes this and our continued inability to square our student needs with state resources. As she said in her January 14 inauguration speech: “Now is the time to put our state on a better path forward… We…

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NWCCU Responds to Concerns About Academic Freedom

  Apr 2, 2019     2482 Views     Comments Off on NWCCU Responds to Concerns About Academic Freedom  

AAUP-Oregon representatives and other faculty who contacted the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) concerning the lack of academic freedom as a standard and criterion for accreditation received the encouraging response below. We will work with the NWCCU leadership to ensure strong language around academic freedom and governance is incorporated into the new draft accreditation standards.  ALOs. Over the last couple of weeks we have received emails regarding NWCCU’s draft, revised Standards from AAUP affiliates and faculty senate chairs, and provosts of a few institutions. (Those individuals are copied on this email.) Additionally, we have received input during conversations with some…

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