
PSU-AAUP: A Successful 2016-17, An Even Better Year Ahead

  Jun 19, 2017     2042 Views     Comments Off on PSU-AAUP: A Successful 2016-17, An Even Better Year Ahead  

by José Padín, President, PSU-AAUP    Our union was very active this year, and the volunteer member-leaders who you’ve elected to lead our union concluded our work on June 8, with PSU-AAUP’s second annual strategic planning retreat. We set 2017-18 goals for all major areas of activity: President, Collective Bargaining, Member Organizing, Grievances, Academic Freedom, Campus and Community Solidarity, Legislative Action, and Communications. By way of thanks to the union colleagues who made this a successful year, I would like to share an overview of a small sampling of our accomplishments.   Our Academic Class in Salem Our academic class…

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Legislative Update: Policy Bills & Cost Containment

  Jun 19, 2017     3366 Views     Comments Off on Legislative Update: Policy Bills & Cost Containment  

by Ashley Bromley, Executive Director The last month has been a busy one in Salem! We've seen movement on several of our priority bills and new proposals on cost containment, all while the conversation around revenue takes on an added urgency. Here's a rundown of the status of key bills we are tracking: Cultural Competency Training (HB 2864): HB 2864 would require Oregon's community colleges and public universities to establish a process for recommending, and providing oversight for the implementation of, cultural competency standards for campus constituents. This bill was spearheaded by the Oregon Student Association (OSA), with whom we worked to ensure that faculty academic freedom…

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