
President’s Column: Take Action for Game-Changing Revenue

  Jun 19, 2017     1603 Views     Comments Off on President’s Column: Take Action for Game-Changing Revenue  

by Michael Dreiling, President, AAUP-Oregon Friends and Colleagues, What a mind-blowing year. While giving testimony in Salem on Tuesday, the whipsaw that is contemporary politics capped off the academic year. It was a crowded hearing, with a second overflow room before the Joint Tax Reform Committee. Hours of testimony by teachers, home-care and foster care providers, parents, nurses, social workers, and a few professors contrasted sharply with the few business lobbyists complaining about a possible tax hike. At this Joint Tax Reform Committee, we finally saw the first step toward a bill that would begin to hold more corporations accountable for…

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AAUP-Oregon is Hiring!

  Jun 12, 2017     3252 Views     Comments Off on AAUP-Oregon is Hiring!  

The Oregon State Conference of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP-Oregon) is pleased to announce an organizer position to be filled as soon as possible. Four years ago, faculty at the University of Oregon, Portland State University, and Oregon State University came together to revive the state organization of the AAUP. Since that time, the state conference has established itself as a voice for faculty in Oregon and an important partner with other higher education unions and student groups, legislatively and on campuses. The Organizer will play a vital role in building AAUP-Oregon’s membership, defining key issues, increasing the…

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