
2017 AAUP-Oregon Annual Meeting: Under Attack & Fighting Back

  May 17, 2017     2785 Views     Comments Off on 2017 AAUP-Oregon Annual Meeting: Under Attack & Fighting Back  

by Ashley Bromley, Incoming Executive Director AAUP-Oregon activists from across the state gathered on the Oregon State University campus on April 29th to build a shared strategy for fighting back against attacks on higher education.   Our Campuses Under Attack We began the day with a plenary panel addressing the attacks on students, inclusion, science, and faculty rights that we face on our campuses. Leaders summarized the current threats faced and shared how their campuses are responding. The plenary provided a launching off point for break-out sessions where we brainstormed how AAUP-Oregon can collectively address these attacks. Each break-out group…

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Greetings, AAUP-Oregon!

  May 17, 2017     1579 Views     Comments Off on Greetings, AAUP-Oregon!  

by Ashley Bromley, Incoming Executive Director I could not be joining AAUP-Oregon at a more exciting time--the faculty organizing campaign has just gone public at OSU, the Graduate Employees Union at PSU is striving for a strong first contract, the advocacy chapters are buzzing with activity and purpose, and UA-UO and PSU-AAUP continue their good work on their respective campuses. While this is an exciting time within AAUP-Oregon, it's also an uncertain time for the future of higher education and workers.  Together, we must resist attacks that threaten the quality and accessibility of higher education and work to deepen democracy and justice within our universities.…

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