
PSU: For AAUP at PSU, Wonderful End to Academic Year 2015-16

  Jun 23, 2016     1936 Views     Comments Off on PSU: For AAUP at PSU, Wonderful End to Academic Year 2015-16  

  by José Padín, PSU-AAUP President   We are very pleased with the end of this academic year at PSU-AAUP and would share the following spring quarter highlights.   APRIL After over 400 hours of bargaining over the course of a year, we concluded an excellent Collective Bargaining Agreement that runs November 2015 to November 2019.   MAY The Graduate Employees Union of Portland State University (AFT/AAUP) on May 31 was certified by the Oregon Employment Relations Board, after an overwhelming majority signed authorization cards and filed petition for representation on May 5. Congratulations GEU-PSU!   JUNE June 8 the…

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United Academics at UO: productive year!

  Jun 23, 2016     1625 Views     Comments Off on United Academics at UO: productive year!  

by Michael Dreiling, President, United Academics at UO At United Academics, we have completed a very productive year for our union. Please see our end of the year report. Highlighting the end of the academic year was our first Spring Picnic and Potluck, with great food, drinks and friends.  The festivities and connection with colleagues from all across campus reminded me of the invaluable benefit of standing together as a union. Across our multitude of interests and expertise a common thread unites us: our professional labor is the heart and soul of UO’s academic, teaching, and research mission. Our union…

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