
President’s Column: An Ethical Compass for the University

  Jan 19, 2016     1908 Views     Comments Off on President’s Column: An Ethical Compass for the University  

by José Padin, President January is here and at the start of a new year we are given the happy occasion to commemorate the great American prophetic voice of the 20th century. Ethical guidance and a sense of higher purpose are difficult to find in our universities, with the seemingly inescapable noise and demands of the (often well-meaning) money-changers overwhelming our work in our high temples of learning. In the words and deeds of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. we find a deep well of inspiration and guidance to rediscover, and calibrate, an ethical compass to guide the university.…

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Rally for a Better Oregon January 23rd

  Jan 19, 2016     2359 Views     Comments Off on Rally for a Better Oregon January 23rd  

from our friends at A Better Oregon For Portland area folks—let’s get some signatures on the petition! This is our best shot in two decades to increase the amount of public investment in education.   Saturday, January 23rd, marks the Winter Kickoff and Rally for A Better Oregon. Teachers, health care providers, parents and other community leaders will be sending the message that 2016 must be the year we make big changes and invest in our communities.   Join us, and be a part of the movement to create a better Oregon!   After the rally, we'll head out to…

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