
PSU: progress in bargaining, university budget event

  Jan 19, 2016     1788 Views     Comments Off on PSU: progress in bargaining, university budget event  

Portland State University by Pam Miller, President, PSU-AAUP Hello everyone and Happy New Year! I sincerely hope that 2016 has gotten off to a good start for all. PSU had a winter closure day for the first day of winter term. Although ready to get back to work and to a routine, I must admit I enjoyed this bonus of sorts. I did work yet had to stay at home! We are bargaining many days and hours in January and February hoping that we might conclude on February 29. Please go to our bargaining blog for updates. Our Collective Bargaining…

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OSU: contingent faculty issues and university budget matters

  Jan 19, 2016     1811 Views     Comments Off on OSU: contingent faculty issues and university budget matters  

Oregon State University by Tony Vogt, Advocacy Chapter activist The OSU-AAUP continues to meet and work on following up on recommendations that accompanied the survey of contingent faculty here. Our advocacy chapter chair, Joseph Orosco, sent a letter to various people in the Administration and the Faculty Senate, inquiring about any actions that have been taken in response to those recommendations, and asked for a response by February 3rd. We also continue to plan on Howard Bunsis's visit here on February 24 - 25, in tandem with The Alliance for a Socially Just University (which includes representatives from unions on…

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