
AAUP-Oregon News April 2015

  Apr 13, 2015     3189 Views     Comments Off on AAUP-Oregon News April 2015  

In This Issue AAUP-Oregon Conference Saturday April 25th President's Column by José Padin In the News Chapter Updates: United Academics at University of Oregon Portland State University-AAUP AAUP-Oregon State University   AAUP-Oregon Conference Saturday April 25th Towards Student-Centered, Educator-Led, Debt-Free Higher Education Register NOW! by Margaret Butler, Executive Director Come strategize with colleagues from around the state!  There is so much opportunity to make our voices heard.  The last five years have seen faculty organize as never before.  Our state conference is a place to build the relationships and create the strategies to move us forward towards a higher education system that…

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AAUP-Oregon New Officers Elected

  Apr 1, 2015     2300 Views     Comments Off on AAUP-Oregon New Officers Elected  

Balloting in our AAUP-Oregon election has concluded.  We would like to congratulate our new and continuing officers: President: José Padín, Portland State University Secretary: Amy Orr, Linfield College Treasurer: Bill Harbaugh, University of Oregon VP-Academic Freedom: Debra Merskin,UO with 64% of the vote, defeating Friedrich Schuler with 36% VP-Political Action: Erna Gelles, PSU Advocate for Tenure: Gina Psaki, UO Advocacy Chapter Rep: Tony Vogt, OSU Individual Member Rep: Greg Monahan, retired EOU Thanks to all who voted.  Your nominations committee, Ted Donlan, Portland State University Kathleen Stanley, Oregon State University Kira Homo, University of Oregon

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