Past Meetings

April 26 conference energizes and inspires faculty

  May 11, 2014     3571 Views     Comments Off on April 26 conference energizes and inspires faculty  

  AAUP- Oregon State Conference April 26, 2014   “Our first state conference was a great success!  It was inspiring to hear about the recent victories at PSU and the U of O and to meet with our colleagues from across Oregon,” said Kathleen Stanley, AAUP leader from Oregon State. Over 60 faculty members and allies from around the state of Oregon gathered on Saturday April 26th at Oregon State’s LaSells Stewart Conference Center in Corvallis. The conference drew large contingents from OSU, PSU, and University of Oregon as well…

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AAUP Oregon and Western Regional Collective Bargaining Congress Meeting

  Apr 10, 2013     3427 Views     Comments Off on AAUP Oregon and Western Regional Collective Bargaining Congress Meeting  

AAUP members from across the west gathered at Portland State University on April 6, 2013 for a combined Western Regional CBC Meeting and Oregon State Conference meeting. For an online version of the agenda with links to featured presentations on the future of online education, the financial condition of west coast colleges & universities, and growing the strength & capacity of AAUP, visit

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