Past Meetings

AAUP Oregon’s First Meeting & Newly Elected Officers

  Apr 6, 2013     5744 Views     Comments Off on AAUP Oregon’s First Meeting & Newly Elected Officers  

Congratulations to the newly elected officers of AAUP Oregon! President: Sy Adler, PSU Vice President - Membership & Organizing: Jacqueline Arante, PSU Vice President - Collective Bargaining: Mary King, PSU Vice President - Academic Freedom & Governance: Deb Merskin, UO Secretary: Bill Uzgalis, OSU Treasurer: Anh Ly, PSU Advocate for Tenure: Brian Elliott, PSU Advocate for Non-Tenure Track Faculty: Kathleen Stanley, OSU Advocate for Academic Professionals: Bob Shunk, PSU PSU Representative: Randy Blazak UO Representative-elect: Michael Dreiling Individual Membership Representative: Greg Monahan, EOU Advocacy Chapter Representative: Tony Vogt, OSU Currently Vacant Offices: Vice President for Political Action; Graduate Student Representative…

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