Happy New Year! AAUP-Oregon News Round-Up

Posted by  Margaret Butler   in       Jan 18, 2017     1865 Views     Comments Off on Happy New Year! AAUP-Oregon News Round-Up  

by Margaret Butler, Executive Director

New Pacific U chapter

In December 2016 the faculty at Pacific University formed an AAUP advocacy chapter with help from AAUP-Oregon organizer Kevin Dugan and VP for Membership and Organizing Jacqueline Arante. They have signed up more than 10 members and elected their first officers. They are already organizing around issues at Pacific. Stay tuned for more soon!


Labor March for a United Front Feeds into Women’s March Saturday January 21st

The AAUP-Oregon Executive Committee has voted to participate in a rally and march for a united front against the Trump agenda. We join unions all over Oregon, including the state AFL-CIO in endorsing this event. In Portland, the march convenes at 10 am at Shemanski Park, SW Salmon and Park in Portland, and after a brief rally, we will march to Waterfront Park to join the Women’s March at Noon. Eugene also is hosting a women’s march at noon, meeting at the federal courthouse.


Election Approaching!

In March AAUP-Oregon will be holding our annual election. In accordance with our constitution, half of our Executive Committee will be elected. While we don’t yet have a nominating committee, we are looking for nominations for the following offices: President, VP for Academic Freedom and Governance, VP for Collective Bargaining, VP for Political Action, Secretary, Advocacy Chapter Representative (someone from an Advocacy Chapter), At Large Representative (representing individual members), Academic Professionals Representative, and Advocate for Tenure. If you are interested in one of these offices, get in touch with Margaret for more information, Margaret@aaup-oregon.org.


Save the Date: April 29th, 2017 AAUP-Oregon Annual Meeting, at the LaSells Stewart Center at Oregon State 9:30 am to 3 pm.


