Let’s Vote!

Posted by  Victor Reyes   in       Oct 21, 2020     1340 Views     Comments Off on Let’s Vote!  

Greetings Friends and Members of AAUP Oregon,

We are in the final stretch of a crucial election. We are painfully aware of the stakes at the federal level but we must also act strategically at the state level. We ask that you please pay close attention to the state legislative races, ballot measures, and if possible, make a contribution to one of the key endorsements listed below. The next Oregon Legislature will be tasked not only with enacting sound policy but also with balancing a multi-billion dollar budget deficit. We need to elect legislators we can count on to support education and working families. 

Based upon a review of candidates’ questionnaire responses and legislative records, the AAUP Oregon Legislative Committee is joined by the AAUP Oregon Executive Committee and the leadership of each collective bargaining chapter in issuing the following endorsements:

Key Endorsements 

If at all possible, donate your time, talents, and resources to help secure these important seats. Don’t forget that Oregon residents have access to a political tax credit, meaning that you can donate up to $50 individually (or $100 jointly) and receive the full amount as a credit on your next tax return.

Full Endorsements

Secretary of State: Shemia Fagan 

Oregon Senate

  • Melissa Cribbins (Senate District 5)
  • Deb Patterson (Senate District 10)
  • Kathleen Taylor (Senate District 21)
  • Michael Dembrow (Senate District 23)
  • Chris Gorsek (Senate District 25)
  • Eileen Kiely (Senate District 27)

Oregon House of Representatives

  • Pam Marsh (House District 5)
  • Cal Mukumoto (House District 9)
  • David Gomberg (House District 10)
  • Marty Wilde (House District 11)
  • John Lively (House District 12)
  • Nancy Nathanson (House District 13)
  • Dan Rayfield (House District 16)
  • Paul Evans (House District 20)
  • Teresa Alonso Leon (House District 22)
  • Sheri Schouten (House District 27)
  • Wlnsvey Campos (House District 28)
  • Susan McLain (House District 29)
  • Janeen Sollman (House District 30)
  • Brad Witt (House District 31)
  • Maxine Dexter (House District 33)
  • Dacia Grayber (House District 35)
  • Rachel Prusak (House District 37)
  • Mark Meek (House District 40)
  • Karin Power (House District 41)
  • Khanh Pham (House District 46)
  • Jeff Reardon (House District 48)
  • Zach Hudson (House District 49)
  • Janelle Bynum (House District 51)
  • Anna Williams (House District 52)

Ballot Measures

The AAUP Oregon Legislative Committee did not consider endorsement of any of this year’s ballot measures. However, we do want to share information to help inform your decision-making. The following information is taken from the Northwest Labor Press’s A Union Guide to the 2020 General Election. AFT-Oregon endorsements aren’t included there, but have been added here. Additional information is available from the Oregon Voter Guide, a resource developed by a coalition of organizations dedicated to promoting economic fairness, public education, health care access, and environmental justice. 

Ballot Measure 107
Oregon ranks #1 in the country in corporate political donations to candidates, thanks to how the Oregon Supreme Court has interpreted the free speech provisions of the state Constitution. Measure 107 would amend the Oregon Constitution to allow laws that limit political campaign contributions and require disclosure of those contributions. It was referred to voters by an overwhelming bipartisan vote of the Oregon Legislature.

Union Endorsements: AFL-CIO, AFSCME, OEA, SEIU 503 

Ballot Measure 108
Measure 108 taxes e-cigarettes and vaping products for the first time, and increases the existing $1.33 per pack cigarette tax by $2 per pack. That brings Oregon cigarette taxes in line with those in Washington and California. Revenues will fund health care coverage for low-income families and public health programs including tobacco prevention. The measure was referred to voters by a two-to-one majority of the Oregon Legislature.

Union Endorsements: AFL-CIO, AFT-Oregon, AFSCME, OFNHP, ONA, SEIU 503

Ballot Measure 109
Based on research that shows psilocybin (psychoactive mushrooms) are useful in treating depression, anxiety, and addiction, Measure 109 allows the licensed production and distribution of psilocybin for consumption by adults 21 and over, for therapeutic purposes and under supervision. The program would begin after a two-year development period overseen by the Oregon Health Authority.

Union Endorsements: AFT-Oregon, AFSCME

Ballot Measure 110
Addiction is a serious crisis in Oregon, which ranks nearly last among states in access to drug treatment. Measure 110 is meant to make drug treatment and recovery available to any Oregon resident who requests it. It would increase funding for drug treatment by about $60 million a year by diverting marijuana tax revenue over what was forecast when voters first passed marijuana legalization and dedicated the tax revenue to schools. Currently over 8,000 people are arrested in Oregon each year for simple drug possession. Convicting them criminally costs $15,000 per case, more than drug treatment. Measure 110 decriminalizes simple possession of illegal drugs like heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine and devotes the money saved from the criminal justice system toward drug treatment. Manufacture and distribution would still be criminal, but possession would become a Class E violation, subject to either a $100 fine or a required substance use disorder screening by a certified alcohol and drug counselor.

Union Endorsements: AFL-CIO, CWA 7901, IAM, IBEW 48, ONA, SEIU 503, SEIU 49, UFCW
Ballot Problems?

You can track the status of your ballot through the Oregon Secretary of State’s My Vote portal. If you haven’t received your ballot or otherwise need a replacement, contact your county elections office.

In Solidarity,

Michael Dreiling                               Avinnash Tiwari

AAUP Oregon President                    AAUP Oregon Vice President for Political Action
