Measure 97: Now Is the Time!

Posted by  Margaret Butler   in       Oct 19, 2016     1760 Views     Comments Off on Measure 97: Now Is the Time!  


by Margaret Butler, Executive Director

Yesterday was the deadline to register to vote in Oregon, which means ballots get mailed — and people can start voting — today!

With Election Day getting closer and closer, every conversation we have with voters about Measure 97 becomes increasingly important. People all around the state are getting inundated with messages from trustworthy sources and… not-so-trustworthy sources. When we have real conversations with voters about Measure 97 and why we need to hold big corporations accountable, we garner support that will allow us to build a better Oregon. Every conversation counts, and the Yes on 97 campaign is counting on the help of every supporter.

The campaign is talking to voters 7 days a week, but this weekend is perhaps one of the most crucial — Oregonians will be voting! Every conversation we can have with a voter, whether at the door or on the phone, is critical.

Join us this Sunday as we talk to voters about voting YES on 97. (Plus, we have something exciting planned in Portland: Governor Brown will be kicking off the canvass at the Yes on 97 campaign headquarters!)

If you can’t make it on Sunday, you can sign up to canvass or phone bank any day of the week. Sign up here.


P.S. RSVP to the Yes on 97 Sunday canvass here
