New AAUP Oregon Officers Elected

Posted by  AAUP Oregon   in       Mar 30, 2021     2076 Views     Comments Off on New AAUP Oregon Officers Elected  

Ballots for AAUP Oregon’s Executive Committee Officers closed March 29 at 5 PM. Thank you to everyone who ran and to everyone who voted in this year’s elections! I am happy to announce the results are as follows:

Ramin Farahmandpur, Portland State University – AAUP

Mark Clark, Oregon Tech  AAUP

Vice President for Academic Freedom and Governance:
David Luebke, United Academics of the University of Oregon

Advocate for Academic Professionals:
Alyssa Plesser, Portland State University – AAUP

Advocate for Advocacy Chapters:
Sharon Bailey Glasco, Linfield University AAUP

Congratulations to all the winning candidates! New officers will be seated in July, and I can’t wait to start working with you all!

In Solidarity,

Matt Burris
Interim Organizing Director
AAUP Oregon

For any questions about the elections or results, please email

If you haven’t signed AAUP Oregon’s petition to demand that shared governance and labor rights are respected, please do so here.


The Oregon State Conference of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP Oregon) is the state-level organization of the AAUP. The Conference’s mission is to advance the collective interests of affiliated AAUP Collective Bargaining and Advocacy chapters, the principles and practices of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), and the overall interests of higher education faculty in Oregon through the promotion of excellence in higher education as an investment in Oregon’s future.