PSU-AAUP: Out of Many Voices, a Stronger Union and a Stronger University

Posted by  Margaret Butler   in       Nov 17, 2016     1235 Views     Comments Off on PSU-AAUP: Out of Many Voices, a Stronger Union and a Stronger University  

psuaaup-logoby José Padín, President, PSU-AAUP

PSU-AAUP members and member-leaders were busy this last month and there is much to be proud of in our work.


Among the highlights of our Association’s work were two membership gatherings. On November 2, members gathered to talk about the experiences of women in the academy (faculty and academic professionals). On November 16, a multi-cultural gathering of members discussed the experiences of faculty, academic professionals, staff, and students “of color” at our university. Both of these gatherings represent a broadening of the fairness advocacy by our association and union, PSU-AAUP, and we will follow up these meetings by forming women’s and racial fairness caucuses to work for a more inclusive, fairer university.


PSU-AAUP members and member-leaders will be active this year – we must be – in making sure the budget cuts at PSU which seem inevitable are done transparently, and are consistent with ethical educational priorities
