Save the Date! Conference April 23rd

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click here for April 23rd save the date flyer 

AAUP-Oregon’s Annual Meeting

Saturday April 23rd, 2016

9:30 am to 3:30 pm

University Place Hotel, Portland State University Campus, Portland

Let’s gather again as Oregon faculty!   The program is still being designed, but plenaries will include a session on racial justice in the academy, a look at what AAUP-OR has accomplished in the last year, and a session on organizing in the face of continuing attacks on collective bargaining rights.  Workshops will include faculty and students standing up together for racial justice and changing the university budget narrative, building a campaign for an alternative budget.

Registration will open soon. For more information,  email, phone 503-351-4192


Registration Costs*

Tenure-line $10
Fixed-term $5
Part-time / Graduate Student $3

*Scholarships available


The Oregon State Conference of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP Oregon) is the state-level organization of the AAUP. The Conference’s mission is to advance the collective interests of affiliated AAUP Collective Bargaining and Advocacy chapters, the principles and practices of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), and the overall interests of higher education faculty in Oregon through the promotion of excellence in higher education as an investment in Oregon’s future.