Seeking Nominations for the AAUP-Oregon Executive Committee

The Nominations Committee of AAUP-Oregon seeks nominations for the following positions of the Executive Committee:
- Vice President for Political Action
- Vice President for Membership and Organizing
- Vice President for Communications and Public Relations
- Treasurer
- Advocate for Contingent Faculty
- Advocate for Graduate Students
Positions descriptions for each position may be found here. The term of office is two years, beginning on April 21, 2018. Elections for the position will be conducted online in advance of the April 21st AAUP-Oregon Annual Meeting. If you would like to nominate yourself or another AAUP-Oregon member for any of the above positions, please contact no later than Thursday, March 29, 2018 indicating the person you would like to nominate. Your nomination will be shared with the full Nominations Committee. All eligible nominees will be asked to submit a short statement for the ballot.
In Solidarity,
AAUP-Oregon Nominations Committee
Mauryn Cisneros
Laura Lyons
Chris Sinclair
Tony Vogt