Support Faculty Bargaining at OSU

Posted by  Victor Reyes   in       Feb 27, 2020     1447 Views     Comments Off on Support Faculty Bargaining at OSU  

United Academics of Oregon State University (UAOSU), OSU’s faculty union, has been bargaining for a fair contract since November of 2018. OSU faculty formed a union in order to find solutions to the challenges they face as teachers and researchers, as well as those of the students and communities they serve. Unfortunately, OSU admin have not agreed to UAOSU’s requests, and many of the most pressing needs remain unresolved:

COMPENSATION | No predictable, consistent raises despite the skyrocketing cost of living

FAMILY LEAVE | No increase to current policy of 60 hours of paid leave time

CHILDCARE | No attempt to address the lack of affordable and accessible childcare

RESEARCH SUPPORT | No commitment to stability for researchers or labs

STABILITY | Insufficient commitment to ending tenuous uncertain employment & promotion practices

OSU relies on committed faculty to provide high-quality education through excellence in teaching, research, and outreach — why won’t they put their commitment in writing?

Help OSU faculty secure a strong contract by writing a letter of support to be sent to the OSU Board of Trustees. You can identify yourself as a concerned AAUP-Oregon ember in the body of the letter.
